Rides 1964-1972
By 1963-4, Bob Frazier was at the helm of Playland and things really started going downhill. West Coast Shows was being contracted to provide rides. Martin "Marty" Davis was put in charge to manage the grounds. All in all, the result was a total lack of manangement, maintenance and the only thing that was upgraded was the rides. By the end, even the ride areas started looking like Carnival Graveyards and the permanent rides had mostly fallen into disrepair. If was a sad and pitiful end to a park that was once well-kept and maintained.

Suki Hill Collection

Suki Hill Collection

Suki Hill Collection

It had seen many years.... Rusted and old. Dennis O'Rorke Collection

-David Doc Rivera

Dennis O'Rorke Collection

Take a Ride!

Take a Ride!

South Midway (Dipper Block)

Lusse Bumper Cars

Miler Coaster - Late 60's

mid 60's

Dipper Lot - 1968 -Peter Wellen Collection

Take a RIde!

1968 -Peter Wellen Collection Speaking of MINE Rides -Take a Ride!

-Peter Wellen Collection

-Peter Wellen Collection

-Peter Wellen Collection

1968 - CHicken Range-Peter Wellen Collection

-Peter Wellen Collection

-Peter Wellen Collection

-Peter Wellen Collection

Chicken Range - Right -Peter Wellen Collection

1968-Peter Wellen Collection

-Peter Wellen Collection

1968-Peter Wellen Collection

1968-Peter Wellen Collection

-Peter Wellen Collection

1965-Peter Wellen Collection

-Peter Wellen Collection

-Peter Wellen Collection

-Peter Wellen Collection

-Peter Wellen Collection

LAte 60's -Chronicle

Dennis O'Rorke Collection

Dennis O'Rorke Collection

Dennis O'Rorke Collection

Dennis O'Rorke Collection