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Big Dipper - The Chutes Years



1922 saw the opening of a Prior and Church proto-type coaster. The BIG DIPPER!  Built within the design specs of Prior and Churches NEW, 'Double out and Back' style. it was quite a ride! Once again, this was a cutting edge coaster concept!  


Arthur Loof had all his coaster and rides built by his own team of workers. It is often heard that Arthur Looff built the Big Dipper.  Meaning that he came up with the design and built the thing....  people have confused BUILDING with DESIGNING. Yes, Arthur  built the Big Dipper, but he didn't design it.  ;-)  He also BUILT the Giant Dipper in Santa Cruz. In two months, no less! But, Arthur didn't design the Giant Dipper either.... It too was a Prior and Church design.


In 1922, Chutes at the Beach had three major attraction rides; The Chutes, Bob Sled Dipper and the Big Dipper.  Quite a lineup for any park in those times.


The Big Dipper was an instant hit.  People lined up for hours to ride the coaster! 


More on the Big Dipper in the Whitney Years....


M. Winslow

March 2014

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