Chutes at the Beach - Attractions
Back those days, Side Show type attractions ruled the roost! Attractions came and went with the seasons. Of course, some of these attractions live on today.
Chutes at the Beach wasnt the ONLY attraction at Ocean Beach! One could spend the whole day at Ocean Beach with all it's different attractions.... THOSE WERE THE DAYS!

First attractions: Seal Rock House (1858), Beach pavilion and 1884 Roller Coaster

With transportation available out to the beach. People came out to enjoy Ocean Beach Marilyn Blaisdell Collection

First African American Heavy weight Champion had his training head quarters at Ocean Beach

in front of the Seal Rock House

An Ostrich Farm sat on the Land. Glenn Koch Collection

Freidle's baby Land . Looff and Freidel would meet here and start Chutes at the Beach together Blaisdell Collection

Numerous Freakshows and other side show attraction rented out the Beach Pavilion Annex building in the 1920's. Marilyn Blaisdell Collection

Marilyn Blaisdell Collection

Marilyn Blaisdell Collection

Schlitzie the Pin Head appeared a few times at Chutes at the Beach. He later went on to become a Freak Super Star after the Todd Browning Movie, "Freaks" in 1932.

The Freak Shows continued until about 1930. The Whitney's didn't go for the Freak Shows. Marilyn Blaisdell Collection

Chutes at the Beach.James R Smith Collection

Around 1926, Golf became the big rage! A Mini course was built behind the Beach Pavilion Annex. James R. Smith Collection

Laying it all out..... James R. Smith Collection

Get Golf Lessons by James Runchey! James R. Smith Collection

James R. Smith Collection

This looks like a makeshift Golf Attraction. Set up right in front of the Cabrillo entrance... James R. Smith Collection

FOUR! James R. Smith Collection

Jim Runchey gives John Friedle some tips! James R. Smith Collection

Apparently John was happy with his lessons! James R. Smith Collection

Wall fo Death - Koffee Kup Restaurant, 1928 _James R Smith

John Bosko

Well known daredevil

John Bosko

Jon Bosko

I would guess even a streetcar ride to the bach would be an attraction...

Arcade and Barber Shop! -http://outsidelands.org/private/featured.php

-Marilyn Bliasdell

Mrilyn Blaisdell

Wow! This was probably pretty amazing stuff in the 1920. Creepy displays of the human baby in different stages of development before birth. At least people found out they didn't come from Cabbage patches! ;-)

... to be more appealing and less shocking? Caveat Emptor! James R Smith Collection

What a name! Basically an early version of Ripley's. James R Smith Collection

Still popular today.... but what happened to Whirl-o-ball? That's Leo Mendoza, George Whitney's son in law. Marilyn Blaisdell Collection

Check out the Prize cabinet! James R Smith Collection

This is an old School Kewpie doll worth some big bucks. But, Kewpie Dolls were typical prizes back in the day. The cheap ones, not like this one.... ;-)

Opening in 1896 to the public Sutro Baths wth its Museums and arcades was a huge attraction. Come and visit our Sutro Baths Face Book Group

In the early years, Sutro's boasted a variety of bathing pools. All under one giant glass roof.

Cliff House had been drawing tourists and locals to OCean Beach since 1863. Sutro's Chateau Cliff House was the most loved, 1896-1907.

In one version of another this is the Cliff House that still stands today.

Getting ready to.....