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Big Dipper Demo
With the Demo of the Chutes in 1950, the removal of the Big Dipper in 1955 came as a big surprise.
Why was the star attraction removed? There are two different thoughts on this:
1. George Whitney was slippin' in his later years. He was rumored to say, he was removing the Big Dipper because it was 'ugly.' That said, it had just been painted not long before it's demise.
2. George thought it took up to much space and attendance had dropped. (maybe because it was ugly and needed a coat of paint?) With the future in carnival rides on the rise and the success of Playland's plethora of existing carnival type rides, George figured the removal of the Big Dipper would make way for more Carnival type rides and increased enjoyment.
We'll never really know the reason, but around March of 1955... the Dipper came down and with that, we lost a true icon of the Golden age of Roller Coasters.
Thanks to Robert Smit for ALL these photos!

Big Dipper Demo - March 1955
La Playa side

Big Dipper Demo - March 1955
Only the Fun House Slide remains... Perched precariously on some wood scaffolding

Big Dipper Demo - March 1955
Fulton side

Big Dipper Demo - March 1955
Drop hill and Lift Hill

Big Dipper Demo - March 1955
Erie photo of demo through the fog

Big Dipper Demo - March 1955
Mid block

Big Dipper Demo - March 1955

Big Dipper Demo - March 1955
Demo view from Great Highway

Big Dipper Demo - March 1955
Midblock view

Big Dipper Demo - March 1955
View from corner of Fulton and Great GHighway

Big Dipper Demo - March 1955
Station. Looking North

Big Dipper Demo - March 1955
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