Food Concessions/Clubs
(Chutes at the Beach & before)
Food concessions were far from bland or boring in the 20's. In typical San francisco style, food was diverse and adventurous.
Starting back with 'Concessions at the BEach' era, we had the Beach Pavilion and Seal Rock House. We know the Seal Rock house had an Oyster and Seafood restaurant. Even though the Beach Pavilion was on site from 1884 to about 1918, we have no idea what they served, nor have we ever found a menu. We know there were Ice Cream Parlours and Root Beer stands too. The Sheehan Tavern served simple meals....and booze.
Things changed during the Chutes at the Beach years. Candy stores, Chinese food, Mexican food, Beer stands and maybe even food from the middle east?

The farther building back is the Seal Rock House. Built in 1860ish, it pre-dated the CLiff House! Beach Pavilion (1884) and it's South end Annex can be seen. The building would have been fairly newly constructed in this photo.

I believe these maps were used for the Fire Departments? This 1899 map gives us a very nice idea of Seal Rocks House and OCean Beach Pavilion's layouts.

The Merry-go-round opens and brings with it some new food concessions.

Not only to we find the Beach Pavilion has been changed to the Bagdad Club (1918), but we find the Seal Rock House is now the Foo Chang Cafe. I wonder if they served Kung Pow Chicken and Braised Garlic Sesame Beef? ;-)

Bagdad Club vs Sahara Club? From about 1918 to 1923 the Ocean Beach Pavilion building carries both names. Same owner trying out different Names? Maybe, we just know we see Both names on the same canopy at different times.

The Surf Waffle Shop should be on the corner. We find a Chinese-American Cafe too.

Bull Pupp too. 1927

Yum Yum Shop 1927 James R Smith Collection

Chinese restaurant

Pre-Pie Shop and Whitney Foundtain. -Matt Gilman Collection

James R Smith

Hotaling est.

James R Smith

Connie Simotas

Connie Simotas

Connie Simotas

1925-1929. next to Sheehan Tavern on Fulton and Great Highway

Marilyn Blaisdell Collection

We have no idea what they served.... Poi, Kalua Pig and Lomi Lomi Salmon? -Marilyn Blaisdell Collection

Late 1920's. Rumor has it the Whitney's owned the MIdway Inn. Read something about them owning a Orange orchard and squeezing Fresh OJ... - James R Smith

- James R Smith

- James R Smith

Hippodrome acquire Charlies Place - bancroft

Great photo of the Hippodrome and it's food WARES. - GLENN KOCH COLLECTION

From the same era around 1920. Does that say Mexico CityTamales!!!

Chutes tavern was opened by John Friedle. Marilyn Blaisdell Collection

Dating from 1890's to the 1920's, Sheehan's Tavern was a favorite watering hole for locals visiting the beach. Reportedly they had a Saloon, Dinning Hall, Stables in the rear and even a few guest rooms.

The Billows came in around the mid-20's. Notoriously known for it's OPEN Speakeasy. Rumored to have made booze and/or beer. Booze was ordered and served in coffee cups. Police turned a blind eye. - James R Smith

What's in those bottles? ;-)

Operated by Pete and Antonia Eliopolous. For a brief time Topsy's Roost had small restaurant either in the this building or building nextdoor. The WHitney's were quick to advertise the move. 1929

Back on the corner of La Playa and Cabrillo (Safeway Lot) the Ride of a 1000 Laughs had a Hit Dog and Beer (?) Stand. Considering this was a the era of Prohibition it's hard to believe they would advertise beer! I guess it could have been Root Beer, but the next photo and research has shown that Tacoma Beer was brewed in SF. - James R Smith

On the Corner of Fulton and La Playa sat the Cyclers Rest. We don't know much about the building, but it was large 3 story structure that dated from the 1890's.

Located ON the Beach just South of Fulton. The ocean attempted to wash the buulding out to sea a few times and it was finally moved in 15-28.