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Fun Tier Town


Fun Tier Town was the brain child of George Whitney Jr.  George Jr had been working for Walt Disney/Disneyland since 1954.  He was Disneyland employee number 7 and was a chief advisor of rides and park flow at Disneyland.  George came back to Playland after the death of his father, George Whitney Sr. in 1958.


His first job was to start reviving the aging Playland at the Beach.  George had a vision.... He took all his experience from working with Walt Disney and came up with a new vision for Playland's future. He introduced Limbo in 1958 and had an arsenal of ideas. One idea was for a area just for small children. Like Disneyland, a themed area that  enveloped the visitor.  The Wild West was chosen to be the new theme and Fun Tier Town became it's name.


Laff in the Dark had sat on the block that was placed between Balboa & Cabrillo and La Playa & 48th. This lot was chosen for George's 'kiddieland' vision.  The Block was a mixed bag of residential houses, business, Playland workshops and The Gables bar; not the easiest space to work. His concept, just like Disney's was IMMERSION,  he wanted to immerse  people into a different world. 


Outside of Fun Tier Town,  Dark Mystery received a Wild West themeing, being converted and expanded into the Mad Mine Ride on the Chutes Block. The facade was completely built out and lavishly theme to look like a mine entrance and the rustic West. 


Fun Tier Town was fully themed... Buildings, rides and concessions. Helicopters may not have fit the theme, but the focus was on small children. A park for just them with kiddie rides, trains, food and the like. It became a popular spot for Birthday Parties. Themed party rooms were provided within the Fun Tier area and Birthday packages were offered.


Construction started around 1959. Opened in 1960.  


Fun Tier Town was well loved by many children and adults. 


George Jr had grand visions of how to take Playland into the future. Unfortunately, he never got a chance to share his vision. Playland would soon fall under the control of Bob Frazier, who acquired controlling interest of Playland at the Beach. Bob's vision was Condo's and  Shopping Malls. George's new  ideas  and concepts were NOT in the cards for Bob's vision.  Playland's future was set....


M. Winslow

March 2014

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