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Rides - Whitney Years



The 1950's brought the demise of THREE Playland icons... The Chutes, Big Dipper and Back Lot attractions.


This was a decade condensing Playland. Post Chutes and Big Dipper removal, everything moved forward to the Great Highway frontage blocks. The back lot would become basically a parking lot.


It was, OUT WITH THE OLD and in with the new.... Old Looff/Friedle built rides of the 20's gave way to the "Portable" Carnival type rides. This increased ride variety and kept the decade fresh with constant rotating new rides. No one seemed to mind the loss of the Back Lot, the Chutes or the Big Dipper. Whitney's kept the rides and entertainment flowing....


Many seaside amusement parks were following in Playland's foosteps in the 50's... Downsizing, condensing and removing the big old clunky rides. But the loss of Playland two major attractions, may have been too much..


In 1955, everything changed, Disneyland opened.... it was a game changer! Where many parks were scaling back and adding Portable carnival rides, Disney was building old school permanent rides on a grand scale. By the end of the decade, Playland had lost it's Victorian Seaside appearance and big ticket attractions gave way to Carnival rides. Compared to Disneyland, Playland started to look more like Carnival, than an amusement park... Disneyland  thrived, while Playland's numbers dived...

M. Winslow

March 2014

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