Downward Spiral & Auction
The downward spiral..... When did it start? Well.... that depends on who you ask.
Some say when the Chutes (1950) and Big Dipper (1955) were removed. But, there was plenty of life post Playland 1955.
George Whitney Jr saw the loss of attendance by 1958. He started remodeling and added new additions between 1958 to 1963.
Once the the Whitney's lost controlling interest to Playland, all was truly lost. It started with a slow decline in the early 60's. By 1964, the decline picked up speed, due to neglect of the park and the death knell could be heard.
By 1970's, Playland was a shady place... Dirty, run down and pathetic.
Labor Day 1972 was Playland's Last Open Days. A minimal number of people attended the last days.
An auction was held after closure.

Denis Englander

Denis Englander

- Denis Englander Photo

Denis Englander

Denis Englander

Denis Englander

Denis Englander

Denis Englander

Denis Englander

Dennid Oroke

Esplanade - Friends and Relations Venue. - Dennis O'Rorke Collection

Moving Day at the Skateland - Dennis O'Rorke Collection

Sad - Dennis O'Rorke Collection

- Dennis O'Rorke Collection

Denis Englander Photo

- Denis Englander Photo

Kookie Kabob/Meryy Go round - Dennis O'Rorke Collection

- Denis Englander Photo

- Denis Englander Photo

- Dennis O'Rorke Collection

- Dennis O'Rorke Collection

- Denis Englander Photo

Playland - Dennis O'Rorke Collection

- Dennis O'Rorke Collection

- Denis Englander Photo

- Denis Englander Photo

- Denis Englander Photo

- Dennis O'Rorke Collection

- Dennis O'Rorke Collection

- Dennis O'Rorke Collection

- Denis Englander Photo

- Dennis O'Rorke Collection

James R Smith Collection

James R Smith Collection

James R Smith Collection

James R Smith Collection